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The process in which Swarna Bhasma (ash of gold) or sometimes Suvarna Lavan with other herbal extracts are taken in the form of semi-liquid and given to the children through their mouth is called Suvarnaprashan. It’s a unique method of immunization that helps children to boost up their intellectual power and produces non-specific immunity in the body to fight against general disorders. It is also helpful even to Special children with Autism, Learning Difficulties, Attention Deficit, Hyper Activity, Delayed Milestone, etc.

Anupam Suvarnaprashan Drop

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 2 reviews
SKU: SU-101-2021
₹2,999.00 Regular Price
₹2,699.10Sale Price
15 Milliliters
    1. Protects children from viral and epidemic infections.

    2. The immunity against diseases is strengthened.

    3. Enhances the physical strength and growth of the child.

    4. Grasping power, analysis power, and recall memory is accelerated.

    5. Improves digestion power.

    6. Tones up skin tone and texture.

    7. Protects the baby from different types of allergies.


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Based on 2 reviews
2 reviews
  • Dr. PrateekMay 07, 2024
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Best Swarnaprashan Drop

    I am from Siliguri, I bought this product once from Amazon and again from its official website through QR scanner available on the product, as I also got the best offer as well. I used it in my clinic and also administered it to my children. My children used to suffer from seasonal cold and cough every year but I was surprised to see the result of this Swarnaprashan that my children did not suffer from any kind of disease in the last winter season. I would recommend Swarnaprashan drops of this company even if the price is higher than other manufacturers just because of its results.


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  • Neha JainSep 13, 2023
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Value For Money Product

    I used it to ensure protection from Covid and boost the immunity of my kids during Covid-19.

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    Anupam Pharmaceutical Requested for Review on Your Order
    Sep 13, 2023

    Dear Neha Jain,

    Thank you for your valuable feedback.



    Anupam Pharmaceutical

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